Friday, October 24, 2008

Give Me Your Address There

Since I have joined the OCLS family I have come to realize all the great digital resources available. I am a big fan of Google and Wikipedia for their abundance of information on practically anything available 24/7. But it was not until I started working here that I realized similar sites existed online (through the library) that could give me similar information but with a level of authority attached.

I see the library becoming a portal for open source information. In the past the library was one of the few locations individuals could go to research a subject. Now the library is becoming more of an assistant in connecting the individual with said information. We provide the computers, or the wireless Internet. We provide them with the free databases and staff who know how to navigate them as well as they do the books, and even Google.

When I Google myself I find several entries for a moving company in Louisiana, BUT also my MySpace, Facebook, posts I made on message boards, an company I used to work for, etc. I hope the cyborgs don't find me.

"I'll be back... after I do a Google search on you!"

1 comment:

OCLS Learn 2.0 said...

Great Post IWATRC! Sometimes you just don't know what you don't know until you know it! ;)
