I found both sites enormously intertesting and helpful. They have managed to combine health, nutrition, and social networking all under a sleak design. Although I did find the front page of Nutrition Data to be a little busy and it causes my eyes to wonder.
I want to live as long as I can! Well, until the computers (and Web 3.0) decide to rise up and destroy us.
I love to blog! I had a chance to catch the blog bug before it was even called blogging (and I was just considered kind of wierd for having a website). Blog is an interesting word. The more you say it the less it sounds like a word and the more it sounds like a noise that might crawl out of your mouth as you slump out of bed in the morning.
On that note I present you with this:
With this project I am interested in becoming more familiar with the ways our library system plans on using the web and technology to adapt to a changing world. So many times I am questioned "why not just use google?" when I tell somebody I work at the library. And I shout "GREAT IDEA! And lets use everything else on the web we can. Come in and let me show you."
I am also trying to keep tabs on the web becuase I am afraid that one day it might try to stab me in the back and take over. BE AWARE!
What is Web 3.0 going to look like? According to PC Magazine and Wikipedia it will be a web that not only precisely articulates the meaning of your keywords through a search engine but eliminates keywords all together. The "semantic web" as they call it. The new web will analyze and read through websites for you, providing only the results that pertain exactly to your needs. And it will know your needs not because you have necessarily initiated a search but because it watches your actions and anticipates your moves. Kind of like the Skynet military defense system in the Terminator franchise but less hostile and without the want to destroy the human race. (Although I still have my reservations on completley trusting the electornic beast.)
I completely agree with the predictions currently being discussed. I see the web moving to a place where the general population becomes unaware that they are even using it. When I was younger I had a dream of one day walking up to a restaurant in New York and on my sunglasses would appear an extensive review of the establishment including menus, contact information, etc. In my mind it would involve a large backpack full of electronic equipment with wires running to a large pair of sunglasses. Lame I know. But it was the 90s and I watched a lot of bad science fiction films.
It seems that what once was a fantastic figment of my imagination is now a reality in the iPhone. However, unlike my designs, there is no backpack and glasses but a small sleek device that fits in the palm of your hand. With this device you can stand outside of an establishment (or anywhere for that matter) and research any information you would like. And with third party companies like Google offering online maps with pinpointed locations that seem to list every business under the sun, the idea of researching a restaurant before you walk is now a reality. Before you realize it you forget that you are even using the web at all. It's just your phone.
I roam the streets at night looking for books to devour. And when I think I may turn back to a human again I realize that I have just begun my quest as The Teenage Reference Clerk.